Thursday 20 February 2020

Verified Buyers Applaud the SSGI Certification Approach

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Utilizing Customer Satisfaction Data to Develop a Six Sigma Program

Led by University of New Hampshire professor Dr. Barry Shore, Six Sigma Global Institute (SSGI) offers online Lean Six Sigma training that leads to SSGI certification. SSGI Six Sigma Global Institute emphasizes a real-world curriculum that focuses on ways of eliminating waste and process defects while increasing customer satisfaction.

One of the key aspects of applying Six Sigma methodologies is having robust data, not only on internal processes, but also the extent to which customers’ expectations and needs are being met. At the most basic level, returns, refunds, and complaints provide a snapshot of overall customer satisfaction.

Additional data can be provided through methodologies such as feedback cards, surveys, interviews, and focus groups. Identifying exactly which aspect of the end product or service is generating significant levels of dissatisfaction is critical in designing and implementing a successful Six Sigma project.

The collected customer survey data is often organized into a Pareto chart that provides easy visualization of key issues and their relative importance in defining overall satisfaction levels. In many cases, addressing one key problem can have a carry-over effect on other cited issues. It is imperative to find ways of designing the Six Sigma process such that multiple problems are taken care with one coordinated effort.